Code of Ethics for Research (CER) at Vishwakarma University
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Vishwakarma University, recognizing academic freedom as fundamental to research at all levels, is steadfast in promoting and upholding the highest standards of integrity and accountability in academic research. Embracing a culture of honesty and transparency, the university is committed to providing a free academic environment for research, teaching, speaking, and publishing, guided by scholarly norms. All members, including teaching staff, fellows, research students, visiting students, administrative, and support staff, are expected to adhere to the highest standards of integrity in their academic research and support activities.


The Code of Ethics for Research (CER) at Vishwakarma University aims to establish guidelines for the responsible conduct of research, fostering exemplary ethical standards, and ensuring a high ethical standard among scientists engaged in research.


This code applies to all faculty members, researchers, and students undertaking research under the auspices of Vishwakarma University. It encompasses all activities involved in gathering, processing, and disseminating research information and data, including surveys, interviews, and reporting of research findings.

Ethical Principles:


Truthfulness: Uphold the principle of truthfulness in all aspects of research, from data collection to reporting. Ensure accurate representation of scientific data and information.

Integrity: Demonstrate intellectual and moral honesty in proposing, conducting, and reporting research. Avoid fabrication, manipulation, falsification, or misrepresentation of data.

Transparency: Be transparent in reporting data, results, methods, and procedures. Provide accurate information about the publication status of research.


Bias Elimination: Strive to avoid bias in all stages of research, including experimental design, data analysis, interpretation, peer review, personnel decisions, and grant writing.

Fairness: Treat all research participants, colleagues, and stakeholders fairly, without favoritism or prejudice.


Avoiding Errors: Avoid careless errors, discrepancies, and negligence in research activities. Conduct thorough and critical examinations of one's own work and the work of peers.

Record Keeping: Maintain accurate and comprehensive records of research activities, including data collection, research design, and correspondence with funding agencies or publishers.

Post-Publication Integrity: After publication, promptly correct errors in a correction, retraction, or erratum. Archive primary data and accompanying records for at least five years.

Academic Integrity:

Promises and Agreements: Keep promises and agreements related to research activities. Act with sincerity and strive for consistency of thought and action.


Sharing: Share research data, results, ideas, tools, and resources with the academic community. Be open to criticism and new ideas, fostering a collaborative and constructive research environment.

Respect for Intellectual Property:

Honoring Rights: Honor patents, copyrights, and other forms of intellectual property. Obtain permission before using unpublished data, methods, or results. Give proper credit by citing relevant references and avoid plagiarism.


Protecting Information: Safeguard confidential communications, such as papers or grants submitted for publication, personnel records, trade or military secrets, and patient records.

Informed Consent: In research activities involving surveys, provide participants with information about how their data will be used and secure their informed consent.

Responsible Publication:

Peer-Reviewed Journals: Strive to publish research articles in peer-reviewed journals of national and international repute. Avoid wasteful and duplicative publication practices.

Responsible Mentoring:

Educational Support: Assist in educating, mentoring, and advising students. Promote the welfare of students and allow them to make their own decisions.

Respect for Colleagues:

Fair Treatment: Treat colleagues with respect and fairness, fostering a collaborative and supportive research community.

Social Responsibility:

Promoting Social Good: Strive to promote social good and prevent or mitigate social harms through research, public education, and advocacy.


Equality: Avoid discrimination against colleagues or students on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, language, or other factors unrelated to scientific competence and integrity.


Professional Development: Maintain and enhance professional competence and expertise through continuous education and learning.


Adherence to Laws: Know and obey relevant laws, as well as institutional and governmental policies governing research activities.

Animal Care:

Respectful Treatment: Show proper respect and care for animals when using them in research. Avoid unnecessary or poorly designed animal experiments.

Human Subjects Protection:

Minimizing Harms: When conducting research on human subjects, minimize harms and risks while maximizing benefits.

Respecting Dignity: Respect human dignity, privacy, and autonomy in all interactions with human subjects.

Special Precautions: Take special precautions with vulnerable populations.

Fair Distribution: Strive to distribute the benefits and burdens of research fairly among participants.

This code seeks to ensure the highest ethical standards in research activities at Vishwakarma University, aligning with national and international guidelines for responsible conduct in research.

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