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Home | Our Researchers | Dr. Sanjesh Pawale
Name of the Faculty : Dr. Sanjesh Pawale
Designation : Associate Professor
E-mail : sanjesh.pawale@vupune.ac.iin
Faculty : Science and Technology
Department : Computer Engineering
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/sanjesh-pawale-032a20184/
Google Scholar URL : https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=hx3_LTIAAAAJ&hl=en
ResearchGate : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sanjesh-Pawale
Research Area : Computer Networks, Sensor network, Computer Graphics, Image Processing
Research Summary :
Dr. Pawale published more than 20 research papers in the domain of Computer networks, Sensor network, congestion in wired and wireless networks, Image Processing, etc. some of my research papers are published in various Scopus indexed international journals while others are in UGC care journals and presented in national and international conference also. He also published various books in the domain of Computer Graphics, multimedia and Virtual reality. Eleven students have successfully completed their Masters under his guidance and currently three research scholars are perusing their Ph.D. 2.Computer Graphics: This is the second research area where the research work is going on in the field of Computer graphics and image processing. The medical field is one of the domains for applications of image processing algorithms. In the computer networking domain, computer graphics and image processing is being applied to compress the image or video before sending it to networks. Dr. Pawale published more than 20 research papers in the domain of Computer networks, Sensor network, congestion in wired and wireless networks, Image Processing, etc. some of my research papers are published in various Scopus indexed international journals while others are in UGC care journals and presented in national and international conference also. He also published various books in the domain of Computer Graphics, multimedia and Virtual reality. Eleven students have successfully completed their Masters under his guidance and currently three research scholars are perusing their Ph.D.

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